Diogelu / Safeguarding

Mae YGG GCG yn cydnabod yn llwyr y cyfraniad mae’n ei wneud i amddiffyn plant.

Mae tair prif elfen i’n polisi:

  • atal drwy’r gefnogaeth addysgu a bugeiliol a gynigir i ddisgyblion
  • gweithdrefnau ar gyfer nodi ac adrodd am achosion, neu achosion posib o gam-drin. Oherwydd ein cysywllt o ddydd i ddydd รข phlant, mae staff yr ysgol mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i weld arwyddion allanol o gam-drin
  • rhoi cefnogaeth i ddisgyblion sydd efallai wedi’u cam-drin yn y gorffennol.

Person Dynodedig ar gyfer diogelu yw: Mr R Griffiths

Dirprwy Berson Dynodedig ar gyfer diogelu yw: Mr S Jones

Aelod o’r corff Llywodraethwyr: Mrs S Rees

Mae ein polisi yn berthnasol i holl staff, llywodraethwyr a gwirfoddolwyr yr ysgol.

Bydd ein hysgol yn adolygu’r polisi’n flynyddol ac rydym yn ymrwymedig i ddilyn unrhyw arweiniad newydd a dderbynnir gan yr awdurdod.

YGG GCG fully recognises the contribution it makes to child protection.

There are three main elements to our policy:

  • prevention through the teaching and pastoral support offered to pupils
  • procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse. Because of our day to day contact with children school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse,
  • support to pupils who may have been abused.

Designated Child Protection Officer is: Mr R Griffiths

Deputy Designated Child Protection Officer: Mr S Jones

Governor responsibility: Mrs S Rees

Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school.

Our school will annually review the policy and is committed to following any new guidance received from the LEA.

NPT Safeguarding and Child Protection policy

Pamffled Gwrthfwlio GCG – Anti-Bullying pamphlet GCG

Wythnos Gwrth Fwlio Pecyn Rhieni / Anti Bullying Week Parenting Pack

Diogelu safeguarding i rieni